Ada Monologues
The first Ada Monologues took place on Friday, April 20, 2012 in Graham Hall, Hillyer
The Ada Monologues started in 2012 as a forum for current Adas to share their journeys with each other, alums, and with the broader Smith community. It continued for several years after the first show, each year featuring new contributions.
For the 50th Anniversary and 2025 Reunion Celebrations, we hope to put a new spin on an old tradition with a special Ada Alum Edition!​ To make this vision a reality, we need submissions!
Please fill out the survey below. We are looking for original personal monologues about your experiences before, during, and/or after your time at Smith. We are open to other forms of expression, but please note that there may not be technical resources available beyond a basic P.A. system. Your piece should take about 5-8 minutes or less when delivered aloud. No performance experience is required or expected!
This survey is intended to gauge interest. Details on how and where to submit will follow. Please direct any questions to Jana Burke, AC’14J