A Legacy of Transformation
Our 50th Anniversary Starts Now!
​Ada Comstock Scholars
1975 :: 2025
2025 marks the program’s milestone 50th Anniversary and Reunion. This momentous and joyous occasion will be filled with nostalgia and stories as well as welcoming the newest graduates to our ranks! We’ll be celebrating all year long, with the main events happening during Reunion Weekend II, May 22-25th, 2025. Register below!
Reunion Weekend FAQs
What are the Reunion dates for the Ada Class?
Thursday, May 22 to Sunday, May 25, 2025
What is the Reunion theme for 2025?
“Ada Comstock Scholars: A Legacy of Transformation”
Is there a Reunion logo for the Ada Class?
Coming soon!
Who is the Ada Class Reunion Chair?
Sarah Goulter-Dunn, AC ‘11 -
Where will our class headquarters be located?
We will find out where our class has been assigned after the registration deadline, usually around early May.
Where can I find more information?
Please visit the Smith College Reunion page for more information about Reunion weekend.
When will registration open? How do I register?
Registration is OPEN! Register HERE.
What is the cost to attend Reunion?
A Reunion registration fee will be charged to all alums. This mandatory fee helps the college defray some of the costs associated with Reunion. This fee is waived for guests and children. The amount of the fee can range from $15 to $100.
The housing fee is $160 per person per bed. Meals are available for purchase at the time of registration and are generally between $15 and $75 per meal. Meals for children 12 and under are available for $12 per meal.
What is the Registration Fee for?
The class registration fee is used to cover the cost of Reunion for Ada alums. Guests of alums (such as partners or children) are generally not charged the class registration fee.
When is the registration deadline?
The registration deadline has historically been in April.
Housing and Meals
Will housing be available? How is housing assigned?
The college assigns all Reunion housing as part of the registration process. Graduating seniors and many undergraduates are still in residence in most houses through both Reunion weekends, and the number of rooms available will dictate how many houses are assigned for each class, as well as their proximity to each other.
Many alums indicate a strong interest in staying on campus in student residence halls. Potential limitations on the numbers of rooms and beds may possibly mean that Smith cannot always guarantee the availability of on-campus housing. We encourage the following:
Guests who particularly want/need on-campus housing should register as early as possible. Housing reservations will be made on a first-come/first-served basis.
If classmates are beginning to find that they are less comfortable sleeping with the basic provisions of a student residence hall, we encourage them to explore other housing options such as area hotels and Airbnb.
Will we be housed in our headquarters?
Housing will be located in or near class headquarters, which is the main gathering place for alums.
Will Adas be housed together?
Alums and guests will be housed with their reuning classmates in multiple houses assigned to the class, in accordance with accessibility and companion needs.
How do I request an accessible housing assignment?
The Reunion registration form includes a field to indicate housing needs for those with mobility impairments or other accommodation needs. You are to be encouraged to consider and request all needed accommodations in advance in order to ensure that Smith can fulfill those accommodations. Smith will not be able to change housing assignments once reunion is underway.
Alums are invited to share specific accommodation requests with their advance registration in order to guarantee that these accommodations can be made available. We will go to the greatest extent possible to meet those accommodations offered in advance. Accommodations include: dietary restrictions, allergies, mobility impairment, need for assistive listening devices, ASL, or request for large print programs.
Staff will use the information provided in the registration process to make housing assignments; alums who indicate a need for accessible housing will be assigned appropriately and to the best of our ability--noting that Smith has a limited number of fully accessible rooms. In event planning we seek to ensure that event spaces and class headquarters are accessible. There is a parking and building access map available on the Smith website. Note that there is ASL at the Ivy Day ceremony and an interpreter. The Reunion website will include a section about disability services and will be the source for alums to find useful information.
When do houses open for Reunion weekend?
Houses open at 4 p.m. on Thursday of each weekend. Housing is not available for anyone arriving before Thursday night of each weekend.
What does on-campus housing include?
On-campus housing will be available for a single “bed and breakfast” fee that covers housing/breakfast for 3 overnights (Thursday night, Friday night, Saturday night.) The bed and breakfast fee cannot be prorated.
Please remember that student residences are not equivalent to a hotel or inn. Though Smith takes great care in cleaning and prepping rooms for reunion guests, those rooms remain basic student residences. They include:
Single beds and single rooms (some doubles are available and used for families and/or couples). Guests are accommodated in the student residences whenever possible. No special restroom arrangements are made for male guests.
Washcloth and small towel
Desk with chair, bureau, mirror, bookcase
Recycling container and trash can
Bedding (sheet, light blanket, pillow/pillowcase)
Two to four flights of stairs
Some have elevators (Chase, Comstock, Cutter and Ziskind, Duckett, Gillett, King, Lamont, Northrop, Wilder, and Scales Houses)
Rooms may be very warm or very cool, depending on unpredictable New England weather in May - please pack accordingly.
Shared community bathrooms (please remind classmates to bring flip–flops or slippers for going to and from the bathroom/shower)
Noise (depending upon other residents in the house)
Student residences DO NOT include:
Fans or air conditioning (except Cutter/Ziskind and Washburn)
Quilts (extra blankets may be available while supplies last)
Private bathrooms
The college does not issue keys to individual rooms. Please leave valuables at home.
Can we stay off-campus?
Yes! Please check out local hotels, VRBO, and AirBnB for alternative housing options.
Will meals be served?
Breakfast is included for those staying on-campus. Lunch and dinners will be available to purchase at the time of registration. Menus and pricing will be available on the Reunion website prior to the opening of registration in February/March prior to reunion. The college makes no profit from Reunion or meal fees and generally subsidizes meal costs for each alum. Each menu will include a vegetarian option. (Alums may indicate additional dietary restrictions at the time of registration.)
Reunion Events
What events are being planned for Adas at Reunion?
Coming soon!
When is the Alumnae Parade?
The Alumnae Parade is historically held on the Saturday morning of Reunion weekend.
What should I wear to the parade? What are the Ada Class colors?
Those marching in the parade should wear white. Alums will be provided with ribbons in their class color when they come to campus. Ribbons will be available for pick up in the class Headquarters. Class ribbons should be worn from the right shoulder to the left hip.
The Ada Class colors are rainbow, as we represent all classes!
What will our class signs say during the Alumnae Parade?
Have a suggestion? Email us!